Refrigerator side by side door

Refrigerator side by side door
  • Version RVT 2021
  • File Size 236.00 KB
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The side-by-side refrigerator is characterized by its two vertically aligned compartments positioned side by side. One compartment is the refrigerator, while the other is the freezer. This design allows for equal access to both the fresh food and frozen food sections.

The Revit family accurately depicts the external appearance of a side-by-side refrigerator, including its dimensions, shape, and design details. It typically showcases a rectangular shape with two hinged doors on the front, with one door opening to the refrigerator compartment and the other to the freezer compartment.

This Revit family is designed to be used in architectural and interior design projects, allowing designers to accurately incorporate it into Revit 3D models and visualizations.

It's important to note that the specific details and variations of the side-by-side refrigerator Revit family may vary depending on the manufacturer and model chosen.